Well its pre pre-race day here in Zofingen. This is when the nerves really start to kick in for me, although its a slightly different look on my face compared to what my training partners usually see. Normally its me with a glazed look on my face often looking out over the water shitting myself with the fact I have to get through the swim first. Here its more a feeling of I'm ready for this. Going through my head I’m playing out the race, not the results or times but the little processes I need to nail to get the result I want. All about controlling the controllable. The nervous feeling is a good thing, it means I want to compete. If I didn't get nervous before a race I don't think I would be racing anymore as I would have lost that drive.
Yesterday saw me do my last real sessions of this taper block. A nice easy ride to the top of the first climb and back with Oscar in the morning and a 45min run in the afternoon with some stride and 2 500m tempo efforts to keep the legs open. Today sees me with a day off before a easy 30min spin and 15min run tomorrow.
Today I also start on the long list of little things I need to do before race day. Things like lacing up 2 pairs of run shoes with elastic laces, changing my brake pads, giving my bike a wipe over, making race bottles, register, shopping for pre race breaky food etc the list just goes on and on. By giving myself as much time as I can it allows me to be a little less stressed through the process and save energy.
Until next time
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